• The Sailoruranus Shrine One of my faves. It experienced a downtime, so it doesn't have much stuff right now, but it does have a lot of wonderful screenshots :) It appears to forbid entrance to proxies, though. --;
  • Turbulence: the second impact Used to be called "Sky Senshi at the racetrack". Another one of my faves.
  • T.H.I.S. Tenou Haruka Is Supreme. An Uranus fan club I belong to. It's down right now, waiting to be transferred to a new owner -_-
  • World Shaking! (The Haruka Tehoh Shrine) The best shrine that I've seen so far. Has a Ykyltmsuw list. It experienced a downtime because of Animecity's shutdown, so only a few section are up right now -_-
  • Haruka.net The first Sailoruranus online domain that I know of. Has a Ykyltmsuw list. Seems to be down. -_-
  • The wonder project A shrine to Uranus, Saturn, Mars and Mercury. Really good, has some hilarious interviews and a whole section on Japanese culture. It's in the process of moving, and is rarely updated. -_-
  • Kawaii Haru-chan's Secrets Page Despite the weird name, this is a good page. Its picture gallery will surprise you :) Other than that, really valuable are the really long and complete list of links and the fanart archive.
  • Sea Sky, Wind Water An Uranus and Neptune shrine made by Jackie Chiang, the webmistress of the well-known Sailor Senshi Page. It's an excellent page. I liked especially the doujinshi scans section.